beauty must have: black eyeliner

i’m sure you’re thinking, of course black eyeliner is a beauty must have – duh! and yes, darlings, you are right. and yes, duh. but these, my ladies, these eyeliners you truly must have.

from the perfectly executed line (in any shape and thickness) to a smoky, smudged eye – these liners will get you there.

these eyes can be yours with a gel liner and a good brush. it takes a little practice to get the hang of it, but i personally find the bobbi brown gel liner to be perfect for this kind of line. liquid crackles, gel doesn’t. plus bobbi brown’s products are superior quality and feel so silky smooth when it hits your lids.

then of course is the ever sexy smoky-smouldering eye a la mila kunis (and every other celebrity). it’s a little softer than a harsh cat eye or other vintage-inspired liner looks. this eye is acheived with a kohl liner – MAC is the obvious leader, but for me i find MAC runs. i like it but need to reapply frequently. enter, ulta beauty. their kohl liner doesn’t run the same way MAC does and is great (from my experience) all day long. and of course you could opt for a kajal liner – also great for this look. apply and smudge with your finger tip – easy as 1-2-3.

here are some great products you definitely want in your arsenal:

must have black eyeliners
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